#AnicaAcademy Talks – Profile and role of the Intimacy Coordinator

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo #AnicaAcademy ETS, born with the primary objective of creating ideas, manage and organize training courses, basic and highly specialized, in the cinema and audiovisual professions, created the first Intimacy Coordinator course in Italy thanks to Safe Set, to Sky Italia through the contribution of Sky Studios and Netflix as promoter of the initiative and organized the meeting: “INTIMACY COORDINATOR IN ACTION - Profile and role of the IC”. President Francesco Rutelli participated for Anica Academy ETS, the General Secretary Francesca Medolago Albani and Sergio del Prete, Director

46but ed. #Professional Days of Cinema of Sorrento – 28 Nov- 1 Dic 2023: #ENFORCEMENT!

AL VIA la Kermesse Sorrentina di fine anno #ENFORCEMENT con MOMENTI DI CONFRONTO E DIALOGO I CONVEGNI IN PROGRAMMA Come di consueto, l’Hilton Sorrento Palace, during the Professional Cinema Days it will be animated by multiple situations. The conventions are and remain the beating heart of the event but the real moments of debate will be those dedicated to the conferences. The 46th ed. of the #ProfessionalDaysofCinemadiSorrento opens its works with a conference. Born in collaboration between ANEC and BOX OFFICE and will focus on NEW EXPERIENCE IN SALA. In this moment of great enthusiasm on the part of the


REGIONAL FUND FOR CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL 2021 MODALITA’ E CRITERI PER LA CONCESSIONE DI SOVVENZIONI PER LA PRODUZIONE CINEMATOGRAFICA E AUDIOVISIVA Pubblicato il nuovo Avviso Pubblico - Attachment A "Procedures and criteria for granting grants for film and audiovisual production" - annuity 2020/21 with which the Lazio Region supports with 9 million euros in the cinema and audiovisual sector. Soggetti beneficiari L’istanza di sovvenzione può essere presentata esclusivamente dai seguenti soggetti: a) individual or family businesses that operate, exclusively or prevalently, l’attività di produzione di opere audiovisive; b) partnerships or


"Journalism and ethics" is the advanced training course of the Pontifical Theological Faculty "San Bonaventura" Seraphicum, scheduled for the new academic year, with the participation of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See, L'Osservatore Romano and the Eleusis Permanent Human and Theater Training Group. The aim of the course is to offer an opportunity for training and specialization to aspiring journalists and communicators, freelance journalists and professionals, to those who work in ecclesiastical institutions and to all those who are interested in the world of communication and information, with particular reference to the issues of ethics and

#MedFilmFestival Announcement 2021 – XXVII edition in Rome from 5 al 14 November

#MedFilm Festival 2021: al via le iscrizioni per lungometraggi e ortometraggi Al via le iscrizioni per lungometraggi e cortometraggi del MedFilm Festival, the longest running film festival in Rome, to be held, for its 27th edition, from 5 al 14 November 2021. In a time that eats time, the MedFilm Festival holds the course and looks far ahead, in search of the best works arriving from the coasts of the Mediterranean. The 27th edition of the festival will mark the return of screenings in the hall, without giving up a window on the online, to promote quality cinema beyond all

#Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone among the nominees for the # EFAYoungAudienceAward 2021

The National Cinema Museum participates in the EFA Young Audience Award 2021 Partner of 38 Paesi prenderanno parte all’evento che si svolgerà in forma ibrida Anche in tempi difficili come questi, with cinemas closed in many countries, the EFA Young Audience Award invites 12-14 year olds from all over Europe to be part of the international jury, to watch the three nominated films and to vote for the winner of the Young Audience Award 2021 La European Film Academy (EFA) and EFA Productions announce and congratulate the three films nominated for the EFA Young Audience

Firenze Film Corti Festival and the Spazio Giovani Film Award 2020

We receive and gladly publish by his friend Marino Demata: Expires 30 September the call for "Spazio Giovani Film Award 2020", competition that will take place within the next 7th FirenzeFilmCortiFestival, organized by the Rive Gauche-Festival association and the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, with the collaboration of Murate Art District. The Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, represented by the Director prof. Claudio Rocca, domiciled for his function at the registered office of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, via Ricasoli 66 - Florence, di seguito denominata anche “Accademia” e l’Associazione Rive Gauche – Festival – Associazione no profit, represented by

Vision Academy Launches COVID19 FILM FESTIVAL

  The emergency Coronavirus forces us at this time to stay at home: Vision Academy in Rome organized an international festival involving filmmakers from around the world, that can make a short film shot entirely in house, by any means, even with a cell phone. The festival has been included within FilmFreeway, the world's leading portal in connecting filmmakers with leading film events, Official sponsors of the Orlando Film Festival 2020. La Vision Academy, organizer of the event offers a first prize of 200 Euros to

7° #FirenzeFilmCortiFestival – Call for the formation of the Selection Jury

Riceviamo dall’amico Marino Demata e volentieri pubblichiamo Il 7° Firenze FilmCorti Festival promuove il Bando per la formazione di Giurie artistiche finalizzate alla selezione delle opere che avranno accesso alle finali, for the various categories provided by the Festival as hereinafter specified. Si può partecipare a tali Giurie inviando la propria candidatura e curriculum a info@firenzefilmcortifestival.com Le finali del 7° Firenze FilmCorti Festival avranno luogo dal 5 al 9 May 2020 Walled in the Art District headquarters (MAD), Piazza Le Murate, Florence. Call for the creation of artistic works of Jury Selection


If you have to Rome, the 26, 27, 28 March 2020 c / o Casa del Cinema, the fifth edition of the Aqua Film Festival, international exhibition that wants to represent, with the cinematic tool and documentation, the extraordinary world of water in its different values ​​and operating functions, to discover new talent and in the audiovisual field. Artistic Director and founder of the Festival is Eleonora Vallone - painter, stylist, authoress, film actress, television and theater, journalist and expert on health-methodologies in water. One way to enhance the water is not only an artistic and
