#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2022 SPECIAL #1 (DAY -35): News and rumors

L’Italia a Cannes, festival forecasts waiting for the Line Up which will be presented by the Fremaux Director after Easter (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) After the announcement of the opening film of the event on the Croisette the 2023 it could be the year of the massive return of Italian films such as the possible ones by Alice Rohrwacher, Nanni Moretti, Matteo Garrone and Marco Bellocchio, but also Saverio Costanzo. Rohrwacher's Chimera is his most international film to date, with a cast that

#Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone among the nominees for the # EFAYoungAudienceAward 2021

The National Cinema Museum participates in the EFA Young Audience Award 2021 Partner of 38 Paesi prenderanno parte all’evento che si svolgerà in forma ibrida Anche in tempi difficili come questi, with cinemas closed in many countries, the EFA Young Audience Award invites 12-14 year olds from all over Europe to be part of the international jury, to watch the three nominated films and to vote for the winner of the Young Audience Award 2021 La European Film Academy (EFA) and EFA Productions announce and congratulate the three films nominated for the EFA Young Audience

David di Donatello 2020 | The winners of the 65th edition


ACCADEMIA DEL CINEMA ITALIANO PREMI DAVID DI DONATELLO 2020 I VINCITORI DELLA 65ª EDIZIONE Bellocchio sbaraglia tutti e a Pinocchio i premi tecnici. Below, all the winners of the David di Donatello 2020, delivered on Friday 8 May. MIGLIOR FILM Il traditore - produced by IBC MOVIE, KAVAC FILM, con RAI CINEMA per la regia di Marco BELLOCCHIO MIGLIOR REGIA Marco BELLOCCHIO per il film Il traditore MIGLIOR REGISTA ESORDIENTE Phaim BHUIYAN per il film Bangla MIGLIORE SCENEGGIATURA ORIGINALE Marco BELLOCCHIO, Ludovica RAMPOLDI, Valia SANTELLA, Francesco PICCOLO per il film Il traditore MIGLIORE SCENEGGIATURA NON ORIGINALE Maurizio BRAUCCI, Pietro MARCELLO per il film Martin Eden MIGLIOR PRODUTTORE Andrea PARIS e Matteo ROVERE

Pinocchio as he sees Matteo Garrone: review of Marina fearful

In Italian cinemas from 19 December, Pinocchio is the last, anticipated film by Matteo Garrone. Undertaking anything but easy, the present. Especially because it must first come to terms with what has been produced in the past (as well as with both the book by Carlo Collodi). E se, until today, the famous The Adventures of Pinocchio by Luigi Comencini (1972) it is among the best film adaptations, here is that the same Garrone was inspired just carry it in his latest work. The story that we all know: the carpenter

Pina Bausch ROME

Monday 10 April at the Teatro Argentina in Romae premiered Pina Bausch in Rome, a film Graziano Graziani, the brainchild of Simon Andrés Neumann Brusciae, produced by Riccione Theater in collaboration with the Theater Archive Andrés Neumann / ilFunaro Cultural Center of Pistoia. The Roman period of the unforgettable German choreographer lives on in unpublished stories of fellow passengers as Matteo Garrone, Mario Martone, Vladimir Luxuria, Leonetta Bentivoglio, Cristiana Morganti and Andrés Neumann.Scomparsa in 2009 a 68 years, Pina Bausch - myth of dance and theater at the end of the twentieth century, wonderful visionary capable of


Primo Festival Nazionale del Calcio Solidale I^ edizione 26 / 28 May 2016 Roma – Cinecittà Studios e campi sportivi Cinecittà BettiniCosa accomuna, al di là dei rispettivi ambiti professionali, Carlo Verdone, Matteo Garrone, Damiano Tommasi, Simone Perrotta, Paolo Calabresi, Diego Bianchi "Zoro", Emanuela Audisio, Massimo Piscedda e Roberto Baronio? La risposta è semplice: la passione per il calcio. Tutti i nomi citati, insieme a molti altri, saranno i protagonisti di “CALCIO SOLIDALE inFEST 2016 – Primo Festival Nazionale del Calcio Solidale”, evento promosso da Fondazione Roma Solidale onlus in

Cinevasioni First Film Festival in Prison 9 -14 May Prison of Bologna Dozza

From Matteo Garrone Daniele Lucchetti and Gabriele Mainetti, directors in prison for the first edition of festivalBologna is preparing to host the first edition of Cinevasioni, the first film festival in prison, scheduled 9 al 14 May inside the home district of Dozza. Not a festival on prison, but a festival in carcereche will also be open to the public - free entrance with places limitati.Per how credit check www.cinevasioni.it/news/modalita-partecipazione-come-spettatori Powered by DE-R Documentary Association Emilia - Romagna in collaboration with the Directorate of Prison

DAVID 2016 - lights and shadows on the Italian festival reached its 60th birthday.

Once again, the awards ceremony of the David di Donatello, now in its 60th edition is discussed. When in late March came the fives of applications we had no doubt that the best film was Fuocoammare Gianfranco Rosi recognized as such by the prestigious Berlinale jury. But you know, no prophet is loved in Patria. In addition to a mysterious alchemy game the prize was awarded instead to Tale of Tales - Tale of Tales by Matteo Garrone. We value independent filmmaker who has deserved the

CINEMA IN MAXXI | Here's the schedule 2016: from 27 January to 7 April premieres, compliments, masterclass.

 from 27 January to 7 April, la Fondazione Cinema per Roma presieduta da Piera Detassis e il MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo realizzeranno, nell’ambito del programma di CityFest, la nuova edizione di Cinema al MAXXI, l’appuntamento cinematografico che ha conquistato, nelle scorse stagioni, l’attenzione di decine di migliaia di appassionati e che ha dimostrato come la settima arte possa divenire parte integrante di uno spazio dedicato alle espressioni del contemporaneo. Inaugura "Joy" di David O. Russelluno dei film più attesi della stagione. Scheduled, the
