7° #FirenzeFilmCortiFestival – Call for the formation of the Selection Jury

Riceviamo dall’amico Marino Demata e volentieri pubblichiamo Il 7° Firenze FilmCorti Festival promuove il Bando per la formazione di Giurie artistiche finalizzate alla selezione delle opere che avranno accesso alle finali, for the various categories provided by the Festival as hereinafter specified. Si può partecipare a tali Giurie inviando la propria candidatura e curriculum a info@firenzefilmcortifestival.com Le finali del 7° Firenze FilmCorti Festival avranno luogo dal 5 al 9 May 2020 Walled in the Art District headquarters (MAD), Piazza Le Murate, Florence. Call for the creation of artistic works of Jury Selection

6° #FirenzeFilmCortiFest: at the start of the autumn session of the Count Down 16 – 18/10 2019

Short and very short, cartoons and experimental films, movie to and from schools. Hundreds of materials arrived in the Tuscan capital to be evaluated and to share in the autumn session of the Festival, now six editions, floods the city with the works of authors all over the world. Numerous collaborations that make possible this Festival: first the city of Florence - Summer Fiorentina, of which the Festival is an integral part of the program, in through Mus.e and Le Murate, Projects Contemporary Art. An important collaboration is with the Academy of Fine Arts
