#CHRISTMAS: A star is born of an unexpected announcement - God is coming, God is here among us!

Dear Readers, dalla redazione di Raccontar di Cinema un Augurio di un Santo #Natale in Famiglia Come ogni anno il nostro motto rimane E’ Nata Una Stella a cui abbiamo aggiunto quanto Papa Francesco quest’anno ha suggerito facendo gli auguri alla Curia Romana: “The Mystery of Christmas reawakens our hearts to the wonder – key word – of an unexpected announcement: dio comes, Dio è qui in mezzo a noi e la Sua luce ha squarciato per sempre le tenebre del mondo.” Il Papa ha poi sottolineato che tre soni i verbi


Gli studenti universitari di tutta Europa hanno scelto ANATOMY OF A FALL di Justine Triet vincitore dell’European University Film Award di quest’anno European Film Academy e Filmfest Hamburg l’hanno annunciato durante un ricevimento ufficiale per i candidati agli European Film Awards 2023, on the eve of the festive gala on Saturday 9 December at the Berlin Arena. Since October, the five nominated films, based on selections from feature films and documentaries 2023 of the European Film Awards, have been seen and discussed in 24 university in 25 countries before each institution selected its favorite film. At the start

#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2023 SPECIAL #26 (DAY12)

Nothing to do for the Italians, the Palma d’oro goes to ANATOMY OF A FALL by Justine TRIET (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) OUT OF COMPETITION the closing film is ELEMENTAL by Peter Sohn - Prodotto da Disney e Pixar Sinossi: Pixar's Elemental is an all-new and original film set in Element City, where the fire residents live together, of water, of the earth and the air. The story presents Ember, a tenacious young woman, witty and fiery, the

#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2023 SPECIAL #14 (DAY6 )

Justine TRIET entusiasma la platea (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) COMPETITION ANATOMIE D’UNE CHUTE di Justine TRIET Sinossi: Sandra, Samuel e il loro figlio non vedente Daniel vivono da un anno in una remota località di montagna. Quando Samuel viene trovato morto fuori casa, viene avviata un'indagine per morte in circostanze sospette. Nell'incertezza, Sandra viene incriminata: è stato suicidio o omicidio? Un anno dopo Daniel partecipa al processo di sua madre, una vera e propria analisi della relazione tra i

From Cannes a little light and playful film: All men of Victoria

In Italian cinemas from 25 January, All men of Victoria is the latest feature film by French director Justine Triet, presented as the opening film of the Critics' Week at the Cannes Film Festival 2016. Victoria, brilliant lawyer and divorced mother of two girls, every day he is trying to divide between home and work with poor results. His problems seem to increase when they will have to defend in court his friend, accused of assaulting girlfriend. Luckily, He will come to his aid young practitioner Sam, which it will become for her a sort of guardian angel. We are

Aspettando Appointment – 30 March – 4 April, The edition

New this year, Waiting for the section Rendez-Vous, a window on the New French Cinema in collaboration with the Cinema and KINO Bistrot (Cultural Center dedicated to the audiovisual), based in Rome's Pigneto. from 30 March 4 April Kino presents films and meetings on contemporary French cinema that anticipate themes and guests of the seventh edition of the festival. Nouvelle vague female, first works, an open window on the present, but not only ... In a special evening the Kino tells the independent cinemas in Paris, places that for decades

Special Cannes 2016 - Just a taste of Italian films

Fuori Concorso il doc L’ultima spiaggia del Degan e Marco Bellocchio che inaugura la Quinzaine con Fai Bei Sogni da Cannes Luigi Noera - Thursday 12 May (DAY 2) - Photo courtesy of the Festival de Cannes. After a joyful start with Woody Allen and his latest Cafe Society, il primo giorno delle proiezioni della Selezione Ufficiale dei film in Competizione inizia stentatamentecon RESTER VERTICAL di Alain GUIRAUDIE - Un storia bucolica ma non troppo di una pastorella Maria e di Leo che è alla ricerca del lupo del
