Special # ROMAFF12 – All they talk: Insyriated – live one day of the war in Syria (Amber Fur)

The film was presented at the last Berlinale (NDR) The courtyard of an apartment abandoned, the carcass of a car, the gray of scrap and rubble that seems to color even the crack of dawn. It will be at the first and the only image of what's out, the camera then enters from the apartment window, in Oum Yazan home (Hiam Abbas) locked together with loved ones to escape and hide from the war. As a matriarchal guide, Oum trying to protect their lives and defend those few, normal flashes

Special # ROMAFF12 - CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Christoph Waltz

Dal nostro inviato speciale Stefano Coccia al quale va il nostro grazie Ennesimo momento di gloria, for one of the most respected interpreters of Inglourious Basterds: German parents born in Vienna, Christoph Waltz during the meeting on 26 October at the Auditorium confirmed to be not just an actor superfine, but also a man witty, wide culture and the film interests far from trivial. Increasingly brilliant conversation between him and Antonio Monda, director of the Film Festival, It was interspersed with clips from some of the most iconic films of

Special # ROMAFF12 – Cabros fucking, not to forget (Review of Amber Fur)

Chile 2017. Samuel is in front of the Museum of Memory of Santiago de Chile is there to meet a girl, Gladys (Nathalia Aragonese) "You're just like your mother" are the only words he says, before they eyes of blacks Nathalia come back to Aragonese 1983 to interpret his mother's, your name is Gladys, but everyone calls "the French" lives in a slum in Santiago de Chile during the years of dictatorship Pinochete, with his mother, the small Gladys and the same common area with nearby older

Special # ROMAFF12 – BNL Audience Award 2017

Borg McEnroe di Janus Metz Pedersen vince il “Premio del Pubblico BNL” Borg McEnroe di Janus Metz Pedersen si è aggiudicato il “Premio del Pubblico BNL” alla dodicesima edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma. And 'the record with flashbacks of the most exciting challenge of winning the Wimbledon Cup held in 1980. On the one hand the icy and composed Bjorn Borg, the other, the irascible and Blood John McEnroe. The first eager to confirm the undisputed king of tennis, the second determined to unseat. Unveiling their lives on and off the field, Borg

Special # ROMAFF12 (DAYS 9&10) 4 e 5 November

Saturday 4 in November David Lynch meets the public and receives by Paolo Sorrentino Career Award, mentre con The Place di Paolo Genovese si chiude la dodicesima edizione della Festa A quarant’anni dall’uscita del suo primo lungometraggio, Eraserhead, the Film Festival 2017 celebrates the genius David Lynch assigning the Career Award: tomorrow at 17.30 at the Sala Sinopoli, the American film-maker, who redefined contemporary cinema with his dreamlike and visionary style, You will receive the award delivered by Paolo Sorrentino. Lynch will meet the public the occasion

Special # ROMAFF12 – Bobby Dylan and his conversion in doc Jennifer Lebeau

Premiered at the 12th edition of the Rome Film Festival, Trouble No More is the latest work of the producer and the US documentary filmmaker Jennifer Lebeau, focused on the period when the singer-songwriter Bob Dylan decided to convert to Christianity. The work is structured Lebeau, indeed, in a very simple way: a series of films directly from the eighties show us some of Dylan during his concerts, occurred immediately after the publication of albums like Slow Train Coming(1979) o Shot of Love (1981). Among a performance of a piece and the other, Furthermore, we see the actor Michael Shannon in the role of a

Special # ROMAFF12 (DAYS 7&8) 1 e 2 November

Dai nove film in concorso in questi due giorni delusioni e ri-scoperte ma anche l’emozionante incontro con Vanessa Redgrave Ci sembra doveroso iniziare dalle emozioni che ci ha consegnato Vanessa Redgrave icona degli anni di Antonioni con Blow Up e non solo. In a hall Studio Theater sold out the icon of the 70 e 80 Always politically engaged in an Italian shared his fears where they win today's nationalism and individualism. And 'improper to speak of MIGRANTS he added. Nessuno si sognerebbe di affrontare la morte in mare solo

Special # ROMAFF12 – The minimalist film Life and Nothing More by Antonio Méndez Eparza,

Premiered at the 12th edition of the Rome Film Festival, Life and Nothing More is the second feature from Spanish director Antonio Méndez Eparza, His first job in English. The story told is that of Andrew - fourteen melancholy and lonely with a difficult experience in reform behind - and her mother Regina - eager to rebuild their lives after the failure of his first marriage, but with many difficulties to make ends meet. The meeting of the latter with a responsible man in love and could, somehow, help in everyday life.

Special # ROMAFF12 – EXTRA#3

At the halfway point of the Feast, Criticism from Panel Terms propose the salient passages in video (Courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) Monday 30 MAXXI after the positive experience of last year, he returned the panel "Conditions Criticism", by Mario Sesti. The event intends to become a regular event for in-depth profile, direction and future activity of those who follow the films and writes for a living. The meeting, entitled "From the press to the smartphone: reviews, film critic and video-essay ", con la presenza di due autorevoli critici ha

Special # ROMAFF12 – Logan Lucky Steven Soderbergh offers us a perfect story or nearly

Previewed, within the Official Selection, the 12th edition of the Rome Film Festival, Logan Lucky is the last work of the famous American filmmaker Steven Soderbergh. Raccontataci The story is that of two brothers: Jimmy e Clyde Logan. The first is separated, He has a daughter who loves and has just been fired, while the second, following the loss of an arm during a mission in Iraq, It runs a bar. In order to revive their economic fortunes, the two plan a robbery at Charlotte Motor Speedway, during a car race, e, in order to
