Special # ROMAFF12 – EXTRA#3

At the halfway point of the Feast, Criticism from Panel Terms propose the salient passages in video (Courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma)

Monday 30 MAXXI after the positive experience of last year, he returned the panel "Conditions Criticism", by Mario Sesti. The event intends to become a regular event for in-depth profile, direction and future activity of those who follow the films and writes for a living. The meeting, entitled "From the press to the smartphone: reviews, film critic and video-essay ", with the presence of two prominent critics wanted to emphasize the point about the state of things in the film criticism, by essays by scholars to the headings in the newspapers, from online criticism of videoessay. The presence of Annette Insdorf, Professor of Film Studies at Columbia University and author of "Cinematic Overtures: How to Read Opening Scenes” (Columbia University Press); TO. Scott, film critic of The New York Times, author of "In Praise criticism. Learning to understand the art, recognize the beauty and survive the modern world " (The Assayer) E 'followed a conversation with several voices with the intervention of Italian and international critics.

Here is an excerpt of the video (Courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma):



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