Daitona the new film Made in Italy in the room 27 al 30 June

Daitona new therenema Made in Italy which draws from the Studios of millenias model

A complex story that rattles in various grotesque situations. And 'Daitona the first feature film of the same name manufacturer founded by three young people who together do not reach 100 years. But we understand the talentuosità of the three that are known by young and now present themselves to the audience with cinematic work low cost: as soon as 50.000 euro. Just the casting cost of an average production.

Yet Valentina Signorelli, Giovenga Lorenzo and Lorenzo Lazzarini have succeeded in behind a tough learning work but also a lot of enthusiasm.

I met them recently when I had the pleasure to young Valentina to deliver the Prize Best Short Doc 2019 per Where is Europe? topical theme that struck the young audience Doc Year Zero.

I consider myself lucky to have met them and now I follow them carefully in this titanic undertaking of an independent distribution that strongly supports them.

But not only Distribution Independent discovered this explosive trio, also Ornella Muti It is spending generously to play the part which focuses on the history of daring.

The other actors that even young people are doing their part and in particular of Loris the "shoulder" (Lorenzo Lazzarini) so reminiscent of the beloved actor Massimo Troisi.

A film a bit 'naive as that first film satisfies the rhythm, the script (Valentina is just a talent) and directing the other shots Lorenzo who deserve our praise.

So do not miss it by 27 al 30 June Cinema Of the provinces during which they will present the three creators of this miracle in times when the ideas are few.

To have the record quote what explains the young director:

People like me who grew up in the '90s has been exposed in a consistent imagery and overseas culture. America when it is small it is a cool thing, distant and unattainable, while large – willy-nilly – becomes a model with which to compare. Many directors belonging to my generation are doing, producing a new type of cinema, fresh and contaminated, it regains genres and which incorporates part of that imaginary "Made in USA" but without losing our local identity and our vast cultural and cinematic tradition.

A touch of color It is the fact that The Daitona expanded universe exists beyond the big screen. When we made real pre-production character Loris Daitona, self-publishing his novel You Lovvo, opening a Youtube channel and Facebook page, making him attend events, lectures and presentations of his own book. The effects of fiction on reality have been many and the subject of an experiment that lasted several months. Over the weeks the public response, unaware of the experiment, He has been positive and the character has attracted interest: The Facebook page has reached 3500+ subscribers, Youtube 700+ subscribers. This experiment has created a "historic" for the marketing campaign of the film producing a prequel to the film history.

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