The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health 8th edition

expire on 12 March 2018 free registrations for short and feature films on the theme of mental health

Expire next 12 March 2018 Registration - Free – to attend the eighth edition of The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health, event of short and feature films, to be held in Rome from 4 al 6 May 2018 at the MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts. Organized by ASL Roma 1 - Department of Mental Health and in collaboration with the ROME CAPITAL FondazioneMAXXI, "The Chink" FilmFestival mental health, now in its 8th edition, confirms its purpose, or to tell the world of mental health in its many varieties, through pictures. The goal is to bring a wider audience to the subject and allow those who produce audiovisual, dedicated or inspired topic, to highlight creative resources and product quality.

The call is free and open to the work conducted by both the integrated production centers (centers working on the psychological distress) that by videomaker and is divided into a section dedicated to short films (duration up to 30 ') and one reserved for feature films (over 30 '). Participation is open to all genres (fiction, documentary, animation, etc.), provided that the work features the theme of mental health, Explicitly or symbolic, with good results and original. The deadline for submissions is set at 12 March 2018 and all documents to participate in the festival - a free membership - can be downloaded from the official website of the festival,

A jury made up of those working in the social sphere, Psychiatric and cinema will award the prize "Fausto Antonucci" of 1.000 Euros to the best short film and the "Jorge Garcia Badaracco Prize - Maria Elisa Mitre" Foundation 1.000 € Best Feature.

E’ also provided for the assignment of a Special Award given by the Jury, work considered particularly significant for the theme and for the way in which the subject has been treated. The festival, Furthermore, award the prize LO SPIRAGLIO Roma Solidarity Foundation Onlus in a particularly significant character in the film world who has told Life, feelings and emotions of people and groups linked to the world of mental health. In the past editions we have been awarded Paolo Virzì,Sergio Rubini,Sergio Castellitto, Carlo Verdone, Alba Rohrwacher, Marco Bellocchio and Giulio Manfredonia.

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