Special # CANNES70 - (DAYS 2&3) - Thursday 18 It's Friday 19

The Russian Zvyagintsev and Hungarian Mundruczó convince the Croisette

Luigi Noera from Cannes - Photo courtesy of Cannes film festival
After the disappointment of the opening film, the first two days on the Croisette you can breathe another air. Indeed, both from America to Asia two productions that they will agree is the general public that criticism. We are talking about a part of the American director Todd HAYNES presenting

WONDERSTRUCK. Transposing the big screen after The Invention Of Hugo Cabret of another book written by Selznick. They are two stories, a set in 1977 centers on a teenager who suffers from the father he never knew, and the other set half a century earlier, told with images in B&N, of a deaf girl from birth who dreams of meeting a famous actress. But both are in search of their origins. We must say that Julianne Moore Oscar winner plays a part cloying. Instead the script is well structured in a difficult composition and alternation between the two characters'. Even the photograph, but especially the music taken from David Bowie's repertoire have an important role in the success of the film.
L’altro regista è il sudcoreano BONG Joon-Ho che con OKJA He tells a story

animal rights, author of the futuristic Snow piercer presented in 2013 the Film Festival of Rome, in questa nuova favola attuale con un cast tra i quali spicca Jake Gyllenhall parla della giovane Mija che per dieci anni si è presa cura di un enorme animale frutto di un industria multinazionale di hamburger OGM diretta da una splendida Tilda Swinton. Between chases and special effects and because of this huge animal the story ends well for Okja, but not for his fellow that are intended for slaughter.Next to these two directors we can define safe, Europe soar two other directors of an entirely different bill. Are Russianandrey Zvyagintsev presenting, after the brave new Leviathan on power

Russia, the film NELYUBOV (LOVELESS). The director engages with an intimate story, but at the same time on the founding values ​​what parenthood, once critical time towards the post-Soviet society dedicated to personal pleasure. Zhenya and Boris divorced and both have reconstructed a life without considering that there is half the life of their son. The other European director who works in America Kornél MUNDRUCZÓ that presents a mixture between metaphorical fable and action movies which gave the title JUPITER’S MOON (ie the Moon Europe) su un altro brandello attuale della sua terra che dopo l’ingresso in Europa ha avuto una svolta autoritaria. In the press conference he made it clear that this is not a criticism of their country, which being part of Europe the geograpinternal ion is also a problem

Member States of Europe. Without wishing to make inquiries feel even more in these statements climate that reigns in Hungary. But we come to the story of migrations between scenes, Tracking leads scenes to complete the story with the sacrifice of Dr. Stern, a physician who has tried in all ways to harness the powers of rising from the ground almost as an angel of the young Aryan immigrants illegally.Out of competition Special Screenings for the young Iranian promise Anahita GHAZVINIZADEH It presented a film THEY which contributes like Opera Prima. The story of J a teenager who tries to figure out its guidelines. Against the background of a family of Iranian immigrants perfectly integrated in America takes place without J-time drama that at times he feels a, sometimes a she. Appreciable homage to the rising sun sensitivity with many bucolic shots.But let the selection chaired the American actress Uma THURMAN UN CERTAIN REGARD which was inaugurated by film Mathieu AMALRIC BARBARA it should be a musical biopic set in the sixties and dedicated to the legendary French singer Barbara, but that alternates with the back stage of the same documentary. This was followed by the film of the German WESTERN di Valeska GRISEBACH with his new away like dry language and the migration point of view overturned. Here's what you get when you have to emigrate to another country to work. In fact, about a group of German masons who begins a tough job in a remote site in the Bulgarian countryside. Instead Iranian director Mohammad RASOULOF presenta LERD (DREGS) a dramatic story of oppression, corruption that pervades the country's fundamentalist. Even from Tunisia Kaouther BEN HANIA presenta AALA KAF IFRIT (BEAUTY AND

THE DOGS) a protest film of the unequal status of inferiority indeed who must suffer the women and the denunciation of the corruption of the state apparatus.As we know the QUINZANES Fortnight between 20 pellicole ci sono TRE ITALIANI IN LIZZA. Il primo giorno viene dedicato ad omaggiare e premiare Werner Herzog con il premio alla carriera la Camera d’Or. Deludente to say della Critica THE INSIDE A BEAUTIFUL SUN di Claire Denis Isabelle.While the 56th SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE The SICILIANI Grassadonia AND FABIO ANTONIO PIAZZA to have begun with the favor of the Italian public. This was followed by a dramatic fil from Chile that has to deal again with the story of the Pinochet dictatorship. It is DOGS di Marcela Said, young Mariana falls in love of riding master. The cast several actors including the father of Marian and the riding instructor so dear to Pablo Larrain which is a guarantee for the success of the film.We end with Cannes Classics who presented one of the most disturbing films of the history of the Festival Ai no korîda (In the Realm of the Senses/L’Empire des sens) di Nagisa Oshima (France, Japan) che venne presentato alla Quinzaine des

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