locandina_mese_docInaugurated the event "Castro" Paul Civati

Launch of the fourth edition of The Documentary of the Month, initiative of Doc / it – Italian Documentary Association in collaboration with Casa del Cinema in Rome and this year with the decisive support of SIAE Italian Society of Authors and Publishers and the Lazio Region. from 23 January to 19 February 2017 returns the annual event dedicated to the relationship between the general public and cinema documentary that stands out as a strategic event for the distribution, production, cultural and educational policies national and international. In a time when the documentary film takes on considerable importance, The Month of Documentary, that in the previous edition registered over 7000 attendance, It expresses its exclusivity with conviction in pursuing its mission. The fourth edition of The Month, diretta da Pinangelo Marino (Director of Notebook Cinemareale) and coordinated by David Morabito (Steering Doc / it), creates events specifically for the titles in the program and take them throughout Italy, also proposing collateral and master activities.

Castro_thumb The fourth edition was inaugurated at the Casa del Cinema in Rome 21 December with the screening of Castro Paul Civati, Italian film winner at the Festival dei Popoli 2016 Prize "IMDb from the public", Premio – CG Entertainment (Home Video Distribution); Prize "Drinks" (theatrical distribution). also announced the Media Rai partnership Culture and Mymovies.
The films compete for the Audience Award for the fourth edition of The Documentary of the Month is: our, during his last political adventure. Winner of the Sundance Festival 2016 e in corsa per l’Oscar 2017.

You have no idea how much I love you (Poland, 2016, 75′) di Pawel Lozinski (among the most foto3important Polish documentary filmmakers), Ewa e Hania, mother and daughter, They are filmed during their delicadissime psychotherapy sessions, where the word, in which it resounds the biographical of every human being, is the creator of every pain and every love that imprisons, It is the force that turns the bodies and the time. In competition at IDFA and among the winners at the Festival dei Popoli 2016.
Another me (Italy, 2016, 82′) Claudio UnAltroMe_thumbCasazza, shot in the prison house of Bollate (Milano) where it takes place the first Italian experiment of "intensified treatment" for perpetrators of sexual violence. In International Competition at the Festival dei Popoli 2016, The film won the Audience Prize awarded in collaboration with IMDb.

The dreamed ones (Austria, 2016, 89′) di Ruth Beckermann, which will be screened on the occasion of Remembrance Day, winner of the International Competition at the Filmmaker Festival in Milan, in the selection Torinode

Weiner (USA, 2016, 100′) Josh Kriegman, Elyse Steinberg, the portrait of the political discussion foto5US, crazed cell of the media-political system connected with the lives of everyone Film Festival, premiato al Cinema du Reel 2016, The film brings to mind one of the most poignant and significant correspondence of the '900: correspondence which involved two of the greatest poets of their generation: Ingeborg Bachmann e Paul Celan.

bodies of fishermen (Switzerland, 2016, 64′) Michele Pennetta which will premiere in Italian The Month of Documentary, shot on a foto4outlaw fishing of the Sicilian Channel, including shipwrecks and crime. In competition at the Locarno Film Festival 2016 "Filmmakers of the Present".

Leapers di Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner, Abu Bakar Sidibé, greeted at the Berlinale by Joshua Oppenheimer (The Act of Killing, The Look of Silence) as "a masterpiece of empathy and moral imagination ', premiered at the Berlin Film Festival and the selection in Biografilm 2016, It is an unsettling film beauty and humanity that tells the stories of migrants who are flocking to Melilla, Spanish enclave in Morocco, with the hope of reaching the West.

Castro Paul Civati (Italy, 2016, 82′), for more than ten years it has been a lifetime chance for many families as a tower of Babel, Castro is told with the language of a thousand accents and a single semantic, that of the right denied, that of the need backorder.

I'm 4 the titles that will have the premiere in Rome, and will come out in other cities in the same week, others which will be scheduled in various Italian cities as a function of different promotional potential that expresses the territory, in afternoon programming. The halls and cities represent, indeed, for The Month of Documentary, real laboratories where designing ad hoc events.

In addition to these titles it is added as a Special Event screening of The Rolling Stones ROLLING_STONESOle Ole ole!: a trip across latin america per la regia di Paul Dugdale (UK, 2016, 105′), the portrait of a band still on the successful summit, who has seen it all but is still hungry and eager to explore new horizons. Presented in the Official Selection at the last Rome Film Festival.

Ithe Month of the documentary is an initiative of Doc / it - Italian Documentary Association, in collaboration with Casa del Cinema in Rome, with the support of SIAE, and Lazio Region, under the patronage of Rome City of Film Unesco, Partner Company, Media partners Rai Culture and Mymovies.

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