At RomaFictionFest weblog Giuseppe Piccioni Scandinavian production MIDNIGHT SUN does break the bank

It ended on Sunday 11 December, the tenth edition of RomaFictionFest held this year at The Space Cinema Moderno. La manifestazione è la sezione autonoma della Festa del Cinema di Roma prodotta dalla Fondazione a presidenza Piera Detassis under the artistic direction of the director Giuseppe Piccioni e con il contributo dello storico marchio dell’APT (Associazione Produttori television) which ranges in the world of mass production. This audiovisual branch for several years has exceeded not only in terms of production, but also and above all as the film production that draws on both talents cues. The Young Pope di RFF2016_G.Piccioni (1)Paolo Sorrentino is its tangible example.

This year the production that surprised everyone and unanimously charmed Midnight_Sun_Award Jury internazionale proviene dalla Svezia in una coproduzione con la Francia è MIDNIGHT SUN con la regia di Måns Mårlind e Björn Stein con Peter Stormare, Swedish star seen in the Coen brothers' Fargo. The two young artists have been awarded both Best New TV Series Award, that Best Director Award and Best Screenplay Award, taking home a substantial booty. The fiction has some original ideas that have struck viewers, but also other selected series could aspire to one of the aforesaid awards. We speak of the US GOOD BEHAVIOR Chad Hodge with a stunning Michelle Dockery and an equally cold and cynical, although from Argentina, Juan Diego Botto. The protagonist could go the Prize as Best Actress. Comunque siamo contenti che il Premio miglior attrice invece sia andato all’italianissima CRISTIANA CAPOTONDI protagonista della miniserie di RAI FICTION Di padre in figlia di Riccardo Milani su un soggetto di Cristina Comencini sceneggiato da Giulia Calenda, Francesca Marciano, Valia Santella. The Jury National Treasurepoi premiato la miniserie inglese NATIONAL TREASURE diretto Jack Thorne e prodotto da The Forge Productions per Channel con il Premio speciale. Da una storia vera l’interpretazione commovente di ROBBIE COLTRANE al quale è andato pure il Premio quale miglior Attore. Too bad for Angelo Bison star of the Belgian series PUBLIC ENEMY Antoine Bours, Gilles Voghel, Matthew Frances, Christopher Yates. The actor with a long career in the theater in his feature film debut in the role of Guy Beranger, true story of a dangerous murderess of children, offre una interpretazione dall’alto della sua esperienza recitativa. The actress Christian Capotondi he has Capotondiappreciated the recognition: "I am delighted and honored to receive this award - he said - From father to daughter tells the story of many women who have tried their realization not content with what the company could offer. It is the story of a profound and peaceful emancipation of women that, beyond all ideology, He brings the woman at the center of our society. I am honored to have embodied one of these women and I hope for a lot of other women this character will be an inspiration as it did for me. Ringrazio la giuria e il presidente Giuseppe Piccioni per questa gioia pre natalizia che mi wanted to give "In the end, the jury presided by Richard Dreyfuss and composed by Annabel Scholey, Umberto Contarello, Lorenzo Richelmy, Paola Turci could turn our gaze elsewhere, and not only to the new Scandinavian film noir.

Deludente invece la serie televisiva WASTELAND | Pustina Štěpán Hulík from Poland and the Czech Republic that instead Cinematographic this year have distinguished. Perhaps for too many topics, from the social environment mixed in a noir that does not excite.

Interesting and well packed for the big screen some of the series out of competition including the most popular ART IN NINO Luca Manfredi with lanciatissimo Elio Germano. The actor, recently appreciated both for the interpretation of Giacomo Leopardi and St. Francis, exhibition of dramatic skills to confuse the viewer and revive humanity Nino Manfredi.

The constant presence of the artistic director Giuseppe Piccioni intervened at two MasterclassDreyfuss_Excellence_Award the exception set out below have made a difference with previous editions and we hope that the director who has never pulled back is confirmed to give continuity to the event. Lo stesso a caldo ha commentato così.

“I'm satisfied with this edition and the work we have done. Public participation has gone beyond my expectations. We have simply replicated the one offering the industry. Quality items, the exchange of ideas and thoughts were present in all spaces: from the meetings projections, insights from the moments of simple entertainment, all we rewarded by the large participation of the public. The human and professional quality of international guests and not, one for all Richard Dreyfuss, It has been the hallmark of this event. Festivals can also be an opportunity to contribute to rising taste, to a type of entertainment that is not ashamed to be popular but offers continuous opportunities for improvement. Because television, in the stories, in the quality of the writing and the actors, the commitment of the authors and producers, It may be closer to the lives of all”.

Annabel-2073_jpg_w478_hCome dicevamo il livello delle masterclass e degli incontri con alcuni protagonisti della serialità televisiva nazionale e internazionale ha dato un piglio nuovo alla manifestazione permettendo al pubblico di apprezzare dal vivo i premi Oscar® Richard Dreyfuss e Dustin Lance Black. Ma anche applaudire Annabel Scholey, Countess de 'Bardi in The Doctors and investigate where it goes seriality with writer Umberto Contarello and his keynote address in addition to the "making of" of Paolo Sorrentino's series-masterpiece, The Young Pope.

For those wishing to see them again here is the link of the two MASTERCLASS :FACEBOOK PAGE

Recall that the program designed by Giuseppe Piccioni has made use of the collaboration of professionals such as Gaia Trident, Marco Spagnoli, Gianluca Giannelli, Fabia Bettini (the latter for the part dedicated to children) and Simone Raineri.

What it was supposed to be an exceptional event , which is the world premiere of When We Rise it seemed rather boring although whether a value argument which are civil rights in gender differences, color and creed. The event was probably applauded for his courage than for the artistic force. For are chronic are also assigned the following Excellence Award to Richard Dreyfuss, Dustin Lance Black, Marco Giallini, Rosario Rinaldo and finally the Excellence Award Kids & Teens of Enzo D'So.

As far as we are concerned we present three productions which we were thrilled, as well as the Franco-Swedish award-winning series MIDNIGHT SUN in order of rating:

GOOD BEHAVIOR con Michelle Dockery nei panni di un’artista della truffa e di una ladra da una 25747_002 Good Behavior Specials Wilmington NCsvolta alla sua vita e intralciare i piani di un affascinante murderess in a dangerous relationship

PUBLIC ENEMY con Angelo Bison che interpreta, un pericoloso assassino di bambini

FLEABAG the latter out of competition, series created by performances of flavor cabaret actress and playwright English Phoebe Waller-Bridge on the difficult and hectic life of a young London woman.

Roma Fiction Fest 2016 - Opening ceremonyUna nota di colore è stata offerta dalla giovanissima Madrina MATILDA DE ANGELIS la quale ha accompagnato e sostenuto simpaticamente l’infaticabile Direttore Giuseppe Piccioni nel fare gli onori di casa agli ospiti della kermesse.

Summing up we can say that the tenth birthday the event has established itself as a reference for the trends of this audiovisual sector which increasingly attracts viewers drawing on creativity and human resources from the Cinema with a capital C.


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