ITALY ON SCREEN TODAY: Valletta - Malta 2/4 December 2016

After New York, landed in Malta on Italy on Screen festival today, review of Italian cinema with special guests the actors Toby Jones, Marco Giallini and director Paolo Genovese is held in Malta, from 2 al 4 December 2016 Multiplex at the Embassy Cinemas Valletta, Italy today on Screen - MALTA film festival which is articulated in various moments, each of which has a specific purpose to be highlighted. Among the guests of the festival, Marco Giallini the actor and director Paolo Genovese who will present the film

57° Festival dei Popoli in Florence from 25/11 al 2/12 (DAY -2)

First International Festival of Documentaries - pre-opening today 23/11 con l'Omaggio a Vittorio De Seta Siamo a pochi giorni dall’edizione numero 57, to be held in Florence from 25 November to 2 December, the Festival renews than previous. From the new main hall of the festival - The company, movie house in Tuscany - the selection of films in competition (International and Italian); the thematic focus (one dedicated to the theme of refugees, the other to music documentaries) filmmakers who are dedicated the two retrospectives: The French-Lebanese Danielle Arbid

57° Festival dei Popoli in Florence from 25 /11 al 2/12 (DAY-2)

First International Festival of Documentaries - Pre-opening today with the Tribute to Vittorio De SetaSiamo a few days from the edition number 57, to be held in Florence from 25 November to 2 December, the Festival renews than previous. From the new main hall of the festival - The company, movie house in Tuscany - the selection of films in competition (International and Italian); the thematic focus (one dedicated to the theme of refugees, the other to music documentaries) filmmakers who are dedicated the two retrospectives: The French-Lebanese Danielle Arbid

Animavì International Festival of Animation Cinema poetic first edition – Pergola (COULD) 14/ 17 July

Diretto dal regista Simone Massi, il primo festival al mondo dedicato specificatamente all’animazione poetica e d’autore. Premio alla Carriera a Emir Kusturica, tra gli ospiti il Premio Oscar Aleksandr Petrov, Ascanio Celestini e Valentina Carnelutti, conduce le serate Luca Raffaelli. Si tiene a Pergola (Pesaro - Urbino) nel giardino di Casa Godio, from 14 al 17 July 2016 The first edition of ANIMAVÌ - International Festival of Cinema poetic animation, under the artistic direction of the most important Italian director of animated films, Simone Massi. Ospite d'eccezione il regista Aleksandr Petrov,
