#CHRISTMAS: A star is born of an unexpected announcement - God is coming, God is here among us!

Dear Readers, dalla redazione di Raccontar di Cinema un Augurio di un Santo #Natale in Famiglia Come ogni anno il nostro motto rimane E’ Nata Una Stella a cui abbiamo aggiunto quanto Papa Francesco quest’anno ha suggerito facendo gli auguri alla Curia Romana: “The Mystery of Christmas reawakens our hearts to the wonder – key word – of an unexpected announcement: dio comes, Dio è qui in mezzo a noi e la Sua luce ha squarciato per sempre le tenebre del mondo.” Il Papa ha poi sottolineato che tre soni i verbi

A star was born in a manger for the good news: PACE!

Dear Readers, from the editorial staff of Raccontar di Cinema a Wish for a Holy Christmas in the Family. Like every year, our motto remains A Star is Born to which we have added what Pope Francis has suggested this year by congratulating the Roman Curia: "The Child placed in the manger embodies all the Ukrainian children who are denied a smile" and again "The most precious gift of Christmas is Peace and Christ is our Peace". Christmas Night is the sweetest there is with the Birth of the Child

A star was born in humility: #Merry Christmas !

Dear Readers, from the editorial staff of Raccontar di Cinema a Wish for a Holy Christmas in the Family. As every year, our motto remains A Star Is Born to which we added the noun that Pope Francis suggested this year by wishing the Roman Curia: "The mystery of Christmas is the mystery of God who comes into the world through the way of humility" and again "This is why I like to think and also say that humility was his gateway and invites us, all of us, to cross it ". Christmas Eve is

E’ born a Star: Merry Christmas!

Dear Readers, dalla redazione un Augurio di un Santo Natale in Famiglia Anche se quest'anno la pandemia ci impone di essere prudenti e quindi aspettare per momenti di convivialità nel futuro, we are confident that all together we will make it. Christmas Eve is the sweetest there is with the Birth of the Baby Child which, as Pope Francis pointed out, expresses the Creator's tenderness towards us all. Currently we have had to suspend the activities of the homonymous association but we are already thinking about a different format for the third edition of DOC Anno
