Lights and shadows of #IlColoreViola by Blitz Bazawule

The Color Purple is a film by 2023 directed by Blitz Bazawule, basato sul romanzo #IlColoreViola di Alice Walker e ispirato liberamente dal musical di Marsha Norman, Brenda Russell, Allee Willis e Stephen Bray, film script : Marcus Gardley. Synopsis: In the segregationist Georgia of the early twentieth century, Celie and Nettie are sisters and are inseparable. Almeno fino al giorno in cui il padre incestuoso non 'svende' Celie al peggior offerente, Albert, an alcoholic and violent man. Inconsolabile e 'battuta' dal marito, Celie endures everything, the shots, the humiliations, the children of the first marriage.
