SPECIAL # ROMAFILMFEST14 #9 – 17 /27 OCTOBER 2019: (DAY 10):reviews #5 by Francesca Salmeri

(Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Francesca Salmeri- Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) Cristina Comencini chiude la kermesse romana con nostalgia Tornare, Cristina Comenicini, Italy, 2019, 107’, with Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Vincenzo Amato e Beatrice Grannò Un tuffo melanconico quello di Tornare, a film about the passing of time, the events and mourning that characterize it - the narrative device of the film revolves around the mourning of Alice, who lost his father and returns to the places of his childhood, Naples, the sea and the

SPECIAL # ROMAFILMFEST14 #6 – 17 /27 OCTOBER 2019: (DAYS6&7):reviews #4 by Francesca Salmeri

(Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Francesca Salmeri- Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) La sezione autonoma Alice nella Città conferma il suo impegno sul tema dell’adolescenza In CONCORSO ALICE Don’t forget to breathe, Martin Turk, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, 2019, 90’, with Matija Valant, Tine Ugrin e Iva Krajnc Bagola Trattare il tema dell’adolescenza e di tutte le caratteristiche emotive di una tale fase di transizione non è semplice. The business becomes even more complicated if the aspiration is to stage a story

SPECIAL # ROMAFILMFEST14 #5 – 17 /27 OCTOBER 2019: (DAYS 4&5): reviews #3 by Francesca Salmeri

(Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Francesca Salmeri- Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) The unmissable of the Rome Festival! Let's start with the OFFICIAL SELECTION with the most anticipated film The Irishman, Martin Scorsese, United States, 2019, 209’, with Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Al Pacino. Based on the book by Charles Brandt The Irishman. I killed Jimmy Hoffa, The Irishman is the twenty-fifth film directed by Martin Scorsese. Behind them, Casino (1995), Those good guys (1990) , Mean Streets - Sunday in the church, Monday

SPECIAL # ROMAFILMFEST14 #4 – 17 /27 OCTOBER 2019: (DAYS 2&3): reviews #2 by Francesca Salmeri

(Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Francesca Salmeri- Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) At the weekend Scary Stories tries to scare the public! Cominciamo dalla SELEZIONE UFFICIALE Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark di André Øvredal Canada, United States, 2019, 108' Cast Zoe Colletti, Michael Garza, Gabriel Rush, Austin Abrams, Dean Norris, Gil Bellows, Lorraine Toussaint Tratto dall’omonima serie di libri di Alvin Schwartz, Scary stories to tell in the Dark is an interesting reworking of the classic ghost story. In a period in which

SPECIAL # ROMAFILMFEST14 #2 – 17 /27 OCTOBER 2019: (DAY 1): reviews #1 by Francesca Salmeri

  (Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Francesca Salmeri- Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) TODAY STARTS TOGETHER WITH THE ROME FESTIVAL THE 17th ED. DI ALICE NELLA CITTA’ Nella sezione a latere autonoma Alice nella Città come già è accaduto nelle precedenti edizioni c’è una certa effervescenza, but this year also a powerful presence that risks overshadowing the Festival. Innanzitutto per il CONCORSO ALICE il film Lola del belga Laurent Micheli, accompagnato nella sezione PANORAMA INTERNAZIONALE dal film statunitense Bull di Annie Silverstein
