The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health 9th edition

The MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts It hosts the ninth edition of The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health, event includes a competition of short and feature films.

Promoted from ROME CAPITAL – Mental Health Department, ASL Roma 1 and MAXXI, The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health confirms its purpose, or to tell the world of mental health in its many varieties, through pictures. The goal is to bring a wider audience to the theme, to counter the stigma, to promote health and allow those who produce audiovisual, dedicated or inspired topic, to highlight creative resources and product quality. The festival will present the work carried out by both the integrated production centers (centers working on the psychological distress) that by videomaker and is divided into a section dedicated to short films and one to feature films, with a significant presence, Never like this year, Also of production coming from 'estero, who treat issue of mental health, Explicitly or symbolic, with good results and original, in various genres ranging from documentary to comedy, from animation to thrillers. Great attention, in the selection of this edition, the relationship between mental health and environment. According thread running through The Spiraglio 2019 is undoubtedly the relationship between childhood, adolescence and psychological distress. The contemporaneity often helps to isolate the boys creating dangerous solitudes: they occupy two English films: in Jellyfish of James Gardner a girl with a bipolar parent is forced to take on their shoulders the family by working after school. Then, Three Identical Strangers, directed by Tim Wardle, the incredible documentary that tells the story of three twins separated at birth who meet child and reflects on delicate and frightening issues: external influences that we receive in our lifetime, Also focusing on science and ethics, Mental illness and the pain of living. C 'is also space for animated films: the short film Blu of Paul Geremeithrough a story for refined and symbolic images speaks of the vulnerability of children and the difficulties in breaking down barriers and the too-close ties with parents.

The feature film competition section provides documentary What the company does not say – The cleaners”, of Hans Block e Moritz giant Wieck, which will be distributed by I Wonder Pictures in Italian cinemas from 14 al 17 April. Safeguarding the mental health of users, compromising their. And 'what happens to five' digital scavengers', instructed to remove inappropriate content from the network. A new variety of occupational disease, with increasingly alarming psychological distress suffered by the protagonists. A story that underlines how we are forced to deal daily with images of war, violence, cruelty, pornography. Other titles, Inside out of Roberto Orazi, the stories of a group of psychiatric patients for many years attend the Day Center of Therapeutic Community Reverie. Then, signed by the director Costanza Quatriglio, It seems my son, the story of Ismail, that, escaped persecution in Afghanistan when he was a child, now he lives in Europe with his brother Hassan eandrà meeting the fate of his family by coming to terms with the senselessness of war and the history of his people, Hazara people.

The section of short films in competition, touches diverse subjects and everyone in their way current and 'sensitive': the consequences of personal records on social media to the issue of migration and mental suffering, the story of an Italian woman of Nigerian origin, working with the police translating interceptions related to the prostitution traffic. The murder case of a Madame, doubly linked to one obscure pattoJuji, it will compare with his greatest fears. But the future of psychiatry to a video-animation stop-motion, accomplished through the designs of psychiatric hospital patients "Do good brothers" of Brescia during an artistic laboratory conducted by Antonella Salvadore.

A jury made up of those working in the social sphere, will award psychiatric and film "Fausto Antonucci" Prix 1.000 euro the best short film and Prize "Jorge Garcia Badaracco - Maria Elisa Miter" Foundation 1.000 euro Best Feature. E’ also provided for the assignment of a Special Award given by the Jury, work considered particularly significant for the theme and for the way in which the subject has been treated. The festival, Furthermore, will award, during the final evening, the Prize LO SPIRAGLIO Roma Solidarity Foundation Onlusactor, director and screenwriter Fabrizio Bentivoglio, as a particularly significant person in the film world that has told Life, feelings and emotions of people linked to the world of mental health. In Italian cinemas, Bentivoglio is an exception: in fifty titles, indeed, many of the characters he played are characterized by a certain uneasiness, by a thin existential discomfort, obsessions, fears, fears, most irrational and unjustified times. The impression is that Bentivoglio nourish a fondness for characters marked by doubts and uncertainty. Characters constantly looking for its own identity, sometimes divided not only in the soul. In the past editions have been awarded Anna Foglietta, Paolo Virzì, Sergio Rubini, Sergio Castellitto, Carlo Verdone, Alba Rohrwacher, Marco Bellocchio e Giulio Manfredonia .

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