The strength of women: the Laura Aprati documentary Marco Bova comparing generations, ethnicity, social conditions begins his tour

The 16 January the first symbolic step at the Foreign Press Center in Rome (Via Humility 83 / c, ore 11.00, free admission): to moderate the journalist Luisa Betti Dakla, among the guests called to intervene, besides Aprati and Bova, Valeria Fedeli Minister of Education, Rima Karaki Lebanese journalist among the voices of the documentary, Paolo Butturini, FNSI secretary, Paul Borrometi, President Articolo21, and Gianfranco Cattai President of Focsiv. The tour will pass through Italy and find its climax with the Perugia Journalism Festival in mid-April.
"With Focsiv, supporting us – explains Laura Aprati -, we decided to take the opportunity of the screening of this work to play, at every stage of this that wants to be a real tour, the strength of refugee women, on the one hand, and the women of the host countries, on the other. Each with their own problems, that speak of everyday life, work, salute, food."
The documentary is a glimpse of a reality, that of war, that often eludes us because in Europe for over 60 years can not be fought. It is observed that in his everyday life. For the analysis of which, one of the strong points was just the generational confrontation between its two authors. The value of this documentary is in this deep discussion and disenchanted: The strength of women recounts the problems of conflict and migration through a look all-female, through gender diversity of its protagonists.
Women of all social strata, of different religions, of different ethnic groups united by the daily difficulties, from household management, by increasingly heavy responsibilities. The relationship with their children in a society where the man is dominant but in times of war becomes the weak link.
How is living with hunger, the loss of all that he has, with bombs, with the need to leave their home and their land. What future is looking.
give Muslim, Longer, cristiane, Syrian answer to these questions. A do they frame Rima Karaki, Lebanese, journalist herself, grew up in Beirut. In Lebanon are Palestinian refugees, Syrians and religions coexist more. She goes on the air without a veil and has become famous for having removed the line directly to a sheik who did not respect gender equality.

CIDSE is the International Federation of Christian volunteer service organizations of which are now part 80 NGO operating in more than 80 countries of the world including Italy. Focsiv has supported this documentary inside the initiatives of Humanity – Human beings for humans, a campaign of 7 members of CIDSE together with the Federation, a consortium that supports thousands of people fleeing from the Syrian and Iraqi ground war in Kurdish, Lebanese, Jordanian Turkish and Syrian.

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