Gianfranco Pannone and the Eternal City

The Neapolitan filmmaker who for thirty years he moved to Rome where profitably gives us the pills his Neapolitan, but also it transmits to the new generations of filmmakers his passion for the seventh art at the University of Wisdom gave us a piece of his past when he was still working at Rai. Indeed surprise tonight presented a projection between the DOC and the Western genre fiction 35 mm Tarantino certainly envies. The young director Pannone in the late '90s struggling with the spaghetti western

Happy Easter with many transcendental film at the cinema in Holy Week

We are in the strongest time of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and from the editorial staff we wish our readers a Happy Easter with some suggestions regarding the upcoming films that can help us understand the great mystery of the Cross. For two thousand years this great event has been commemorated which was fundamental in the Salvation of Humanity made thanks precisely to the Cross. And so since the cinema was invented it is commemorated the Passion of Christ.       A beautiful film by British director Garth Davis is coming out this week

Quale Film vedere, o rivedere per la Santa Pasqua?

E’ tempo di Passione, di passaggio dalla morte alla Vita. Lo scorso anno abbiamo proposto come riflessione su questo tempo “forte” il film Passione di Mel Gibgson Passione. Quest’anno torniamo in Italia e due film abbiamo amato tanto Il Vangelo secondo Matteo di Pasolini e Gesù di Nazareth di Zeffirelli. Due facce della stessa medaglia. Noi non abbiamo vissuto ai tempi di Gesù, ma i Vangeli possono aiutarci a comprendere la storia, anzi la STORIA dell’Umanità. Se poi vogliamo vedere qualcosa di più vicino temporalmente ci aiuta il film di
