Dopo i Golden Globe, Sunday 26 February will be awarded the Oscar in the Star Night, che vede tra i candidati FUOCOAMMARE di Gianfranco Rosi Ai primi di gennaio sono stati assegnati i Golden Globe dove la parte del leone l’ha fatta La La Land con cinque premi con il Miglior Attore protagonista Ryan Gosling ex equo a Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea, best Director, Best Score, Best Original Song: "City Of Stars" and Best Original Screenplay. While the Best Film was Moonlight, The Best Animated Film: Zootopia

SPECIAL #OSCAR 2017#1 – The Predictions

Dopo i Golden Globe, Sunday 26 February will be awarded the Oscar in the Star Night, he sees among the candidates FUOCOAMMARE Gianfranco Rosi In early January were awarded the Golden Globes, where the lion's share did it La La Land with five awards with Best Actor starring Ryan Gosling ex aequo Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea, best Director, Best Score, Best Original Song: "City Of Stars" and Best Original Screenplay. While the Best Film was Moonlight, The Best Animated Film:
