DAVID 2017: Indivisible and Fiore are favorites, but the stuff of dreams will surprise us

On Monday evening there will be the delivery of Donatello's David in the first year of orphans Gianluigi Rondi. Applications were targeted and we are two movies that will make the greatest treasure the statuettes. If last year there was the Mainetti phenomenon called him Jeeg, This year the first place arises indisputably INDIVISIBLE Edoardo De Angelis it deserves in addition to the best director prize also to the best actress (Angela and Marianna FONTANA) ex aequo with Daphne SCOCCIA for the film and the best flower


Gianluigi Rondi, Presidente dell’Accademia del Cinema e dell’Ente David di Donatello , riferimento morale della Critica cinematografica italiana, ci ha lasciati per altri lidi (eterni).Se ne andato in punta di piedi dedito fino alla fine alla nobile causa di veicolare la cultura cinematografica. Una cultura di vita e di pace accessibile a tutti perché senza muri e frontiere. Non ci sarà una camera ardente, per volere dello stesso Rondi. I funerali verranno celebrati sabato per attendere l'arrivo dei figli Joel e François-Xavier che vivono in Francia, dei nipoti e del suo

Why I chose the profession of film critic after so many years of engineering profession.

On this site you will find a summary of me. But how, a brilliant engineer prefers to film critic? Well it is better a dream that a disaster. How many times I have been contacted by wealthy owners of unique penthouse impossible to work. My answer after a short conversation about what to do with stakeholders has always been: I'm sorry, but I have no time for you. And 'fashion to feel omnipotent. To my dear Master of life and uncle, I am referring to Prof. Ing. Calogero Benedetti, who recently
