SiciliAmbiente Film Festival XII edition 4 / 8 August San Vito Lo Capo (TP)

SICILIAMBIENTE IS AN INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL, SHORT FILMS AND ANIMATIONS RELATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ E DEI DIRITTI UMANI Al via la XII edizione di SiciliAmbiente, to be held from 4 on 8 August in San Vito Lo Capo. The festival, directed by Antonio Bellia, with the organizational direction of Sheila Melosu at 19.30 in the Garden room with the presentation of the book by Davide Ficarra "Follow the ash" (Navarra Publisher) who will be present at the event to meet the festival audience. Set against the backdrop of the maxi-trial at Cosa Nostra, in a Palermo that

SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival: THE WINNERS

SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival racconta la difesa dell’ambiente X edizione | San Vito Lo Capo (Tp) | 10 - 15 luglio Vince un film slovacco sulle antiche comunità della Groenlandia. Tutti i premiati E un “cartellino rosso” contro gli OGM Può un festival che nasce in difesa dell’ambiente assegnare un… “cartellino rosso” a chi sintetizza invece l’incuria e il danno? can he, because you have to not only reward those who recounts, but also to recognize those clashes. So it is that the SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival - for a whole week led to San Vito Lo

X edition SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival

In San Vito Lo Capo (Tp) dall’8 luglio la decima edizione del SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival PALERMO. Defending the environment can. And the story can be a weapon. It preceded by two days of previews (8 and 9 July) then from 10 al 15 July in San Vito Lo Capo (TP) unrolling the SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival, International documentary festival, short films and animated films, which for ten editions it includes works inspired by the themes of environmental protection, sustainable development, Women and human rights. With a main theme that will run throughout the
