He WINS THE POCKET OF GOLD FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY "THE DEATH OF MY MOTHER" OF BENJAMIN BARRESE THAT WINS EVEN THE SPECIAL MENTION WIF - WOMEN IN FILM, MENTRE IL PREMIO SIGNUM DEL PUBBLICO VA A “FREEDOM FIELDS” DI NAZIHA AREBI Annunciati i vincitori della XIII edizione del SalinaDocFest - the Narrative Documentary Festival (11-14 September) He founded and directed by Giovanna Taviani. The jury, It composed of directors Branko Schmidt and Nicolas Philibert and photographer Francesco Zizola, He awarded the Tasca D'Oro Award for best documentary in La

XIII SalinaDocFest - the narrative documentary festival - Salina, 11-14 September 2019

Start now the thirteenth edition dedicated to the theme of SalinaDocFest (R)existences. A choice, we are aware, a bit 'reckless. A choice that can lay itself open to the charge of rhetoric (Yup, it is often abused term strength) and even vagueness. It was decided to take the chance to affirm a basic principle of all resistances: the defense of words, their meaning, their sense. And currently we have no better word to describe the trouble of being in the world without resignation, but rather with the idea
