SPECIAL # VENICE78 #6 – 1/11SETTEMBER 2021: (DAYS 2&3)

(Luigi Noera from Venice with the kind collaboration of Marina Pavido and Annamaria Stramondo and from the WEB room Maria Vittoria Battaglia - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Dopo l’apertura gli sguardi cinefili sono rivolti a SORRENTINO ma anche a Pablo Larrain #VE78 CONCORSO THE CARD COUNTER di PAUL SCHRADER L’incipit è una musica greve sullo sfondo del tavolo verde. As happens with Schrader's films, the red thread of the script is revealed in small steps and this is its strong point.. The story is that of William

Film Critics from SNCCI: "EMA" by Pablo Larraín

"EMA" by Pablo Larraín, presented at the 76th Venice International Film Festival and distributed by Movies Inspired (Exit 2 September), was designated Film of the Critics by the National Union of Italian Film Critics SNCCI with the following motivation: Temporarily abandoning the re-reading of the history of his country to look at the present, Larraín tears apart the concept of family, between dancing bodies, music and night raids. Magnetic charm, anti-social nature, woman and mother according to their own rules, Ema sets fire to, but, creates and destroys. Its slender and powerful figure represents a

SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #11 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAYS 1-8) - From our correspondent Annamaria Stramondo

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) ALL’OTTAVO GIORNO SIAMO IN ATTESA DEI DUE FILM ITALIANI DI MARESCO E SOLLIMA In attesa che arrivino al Lido gli ultimi due italiani in Concorso le prime emozioni di Annamaria Stramondo che sinteticamente parla di una Mostra adeguata alle aspettative con una incursione alle Giornate degli Autori. #VE76 CONCORSO OM DET OÀNDLIGA (ABOUT ENDLESSNESS) ROY ANDERSSON with Jane-Ege Ferling, Martin Serner, Bengt Bergius, Tatiana Delaunay, Anders J:-tellstréim, Thore wing /

NIGHTS OF CINEMA IN PIAZZA VITTORIO – The great cinema, under the stars July

As part of the Estate Romana 2017 now in its 40th edition, start after a forced break of three years shows under the stars in the two arenas set up in the historic Piazza Vittorio. This achievement was possible thanks to the synergy of the various components of civil society of the City Hall, dell’Anec, dell’ENPAM, trade associations and trade the famous square in the period of its splendor umbertino. Edition number 19 Agis's license plate ANEC Lazio in collaboration with the Fondazione Cinema per Roma as part of the traveling cinema all year CityFest. With the

Silence: the latest film by Martin Scorsese fulminant

Martin Scorsese was recently awarded the prize to the career SAMURAI Festival in Tokyo along with Kiyoshi Kurosawa. The award highlights the achievements of the director who continues to create innovative and carve out a road movie into a new era. Martin Scorsese expressed his satisfaction in a video message: "I would like to thank the Tokyo International Film Festival for this award. I am very sorry not to be present at the ceremony, and I thank my esteemed colleague Kiyoshi Kurosawa had agreed to withdraw it for me . I always been

Speciale 73esima Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica – mercoledì 7 and Thursday 8 September (DAYS 8&9)

Alla ricerca del Leone d’Oro che però non parla italianodal Lido di Venezia Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Biennale.Al settimo giorno la Mostra è ancora alla ricerca dell’ousider per il Leone d’Oro, ma anche mercoledì una delusione è stata offerta dal maestro Terrence Malick, che a VENEZIA 73 ha presentato la sua fatica durata tanti anni Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey. Purtroppo il maestro non lo riconosciamo più. Bisogna dire al vero che il film è la copia buona dell’altro documentario italiano Spira Mirabilis passato ieri sempre

Special 73rd International Film Festival - Tuesday 30 August (DAY -1):

Three Italians in the race against the studios that make the full in the Official Selection, oggi preapertura con l’Omaggio a Comencini ed ai Fratelli Lumiere dal Lido di Venezia Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Biennale. The 73rd Venice Film Festival will officially open its doors tomorrow with American films in competition La La Land by Damien Chazelle in homage to Studios. After the press conference a month after the inauguration in which President Baratta and the Director of the 73rd Barbera Show presented selected films, the same was


FROM 8 TO 12 JUNE IN THE EDEN ROOMS, FLAME AND FOUR FOUNTAINS ALSO PLANNED THE PALM OF GOLD I, DANIEL BLAKE Like every year the appointment with "Le Vie del Cinema From Cannes to Rome" returns, film festival organized by Anec Lazio, which is part of the wider project of "Cinema through the Great Festivals". The initiative organized by ANEC LAZIO in collaboration with LAZIO REGION and CITYFEST | CINEMA FOUNDATION FOR ROMA, sponsored by CAPITAL ROME, leads from 8 to 12 June in EDEN cinemas, FLAME and FOUR FOUNTAINS a showcase of

Special Cannes 2016 The old and the new in comparison

da Cannes Luigi Noera– Venerdì 13 May (DAY 3) - Foto per gentile concessione del Festival de Cannes Il secondo giorno di Cannes mette a confronto due generazioni di cineasti. Da una parte la vecchia guardia rappresentata da Ken Loach che presenta in competizione una storia di empatia e socialità nella odierna società dei consumi e del profitto. Dall’altra il nuovo cinema emergente argentino rappresentato da Pablo Larrain, già distintosi a Berlino l’anno passato con El Club. Questo regista vulcanico ci presenta una inedito punto di vista sul poeta
