SPECIAL # RFF13 # 04- 18/28 OCTOBER 2018 (DAYS 3&4): 20&21 October

Over the weekend two great American directors liven up the party: Robert Redford e Michael Moore (Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marino fearful- The photos are published with the permission of Rome Film Fest) Over the weekend the huge festival of the 13th edition in OFFICIAL SELECTION offer has ranged from disappointing Mexican film bayoneta of Kyzza Terrazas tells the story of Miguel "bayoneta" Galíndez former Mexican boxer who finds himself living in Finland. By day he works as a coach in a boxing gym, evening drinking alone in bars.

BERLINALE Special - 17 February (DAY 7) From boredom acceptance of themselves, through cybernetics.

Fuori concorso è stato presentato Des nouvelles de la planète Mars (News from planet Mars) Dominik Moll (F / B) WP una mordente satira sull’uomo degli anni 2000.Invece in concorso il film Kollektivet (The Commune) di Thomas Vinterberg (DK / Sweden / NL). Nelle società del benessere per combattere la noia si prova a tornare indietro nel tempo alle prime Comune. Ed infine per parlare del presente un documentario sui virus cibernetici replicanti: Zero Days di Alex Gibney (USA) – WP. Invece per Berlinale Special Gala presso il
