CPH: DOX International Documentary Film Festival: Mention special SJÄLÖ – Island of Souls

SEILI - Island of Souls received a special mention by the jury NORDIC: DOX. The writer of the film and Finnish director Lotta Petronella had its world premiere in the digital edition version of this year's festival. The NORDIC competition: DOX Award presents a selection of documentaries in the Nordic countries, reflecting the diversity of the films with a clear vision and a personal touch. SEILI, that means island of the soul, was the fate of countless women for hundreds of years isolated in the hospital in the Baltic Sea island of Själö. With a

CPH:DOX 17° Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival (Denmark) 18 – 29 March goes online

Land at CPH:DOX di Copenhagen in versione ON LINE Welcome Palermo regia di MASBEDO insieme a SELFIE di Agostino Ferrente Il festival del documentario di Copenhagen è il più importante appuntamento in Scandinavia e anche tra i più importanti nel mondo dedicato ai documentari e conta di un pubblico di oltre 100.000 audience. It has also various competitive sections, as well as concerts, exhibitions, Market projections, panel. Because of the 19-COVID pandemic, however, the festival is converted into the digital version that sees six sections of the competition that will be esperite via web, availability
