After Chicken Run Nick Park presents its new "politically scorrect" stop motion The Primitives for children and large

In Italian cinemas from February 8, primitive It is the last work of the famous British animator Nick Park, winner in the 2001 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film for Chicken Run, where they were staged - with careful in stop motion technique and fine figures made out of clay - the universal themes of friendship and the right to individual freedom.

We are in the Stone Age. Following a volcanic explosion, some primitive men began kicking a round hot stone. This gave rise to the football, later documented by unique rock carvings. Long after, precisely in the Bronze, one of the last primitive tribes - in which the young Dag lives - is likely to be driven from their habitats by powerful men unscrupulous. What to do to protect your home? It will be the rediscovery of football, with the help of young Ginna as a coach, to represent the only possibility of salvation for Dag and his group of friends.

Given the previous work and being aware of the great talent of Park, it is natural that a product like I primitive can arouse great expectations on the part of audiences and critics. E, Fortunately, these expectations have been met. Thank you, just, a painstaking work on characters and scenes taken two years to, the end result is a visually appealing feature, magnetic, with soft and well-articulated figures, Solid colors and environments studied in every detail. In short words: a real feast for the eyes.

What, perhaps, less than convincing primitive, is, in reality, own script. Representing faithfully a classic scheme used over and over again and staging similar themes to the previous Chicken Run, the end result is a clean work yes, but also highly "simplified", devoid of flashes needed narrative, as well as a sort of added value that allows them to create their own, marked identity. On the other side, But, we can not but recognize that that mood typically British - thin and even "politically scorrect" when you need it - here this is more than a touch guessed in all the work.

Now, one wonders just one thing: as young audiences will react faced with a product like primitive? We are sure, will only restarne kidnapped.

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And here's a taste you would please: TRAILER I PRIMITIVE

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